Foundation Stage results 2023/24 (6 Pupils)
Percentage of children reaching a Good Level of Development (expected level at the end of Reception)
Nutley 83.3%
East Sussex 70.0%
National 64.0%
Year 1 phonic screening 2022/23 (7 Pupils)
Nutley 85.7%%
East Sussex 76.0%
National 76.0%
Key Stage 1 Results 2022/23 (11 Pupils) - last year for compulsory testing of Year 2 children
The table below shows the percentage of Year 2 pupils who met the expected standard in 2023.
Year 6 National Curriculum Results 2023/24 (12 Pupils)
The table below shows the percentage of year 6 pupils who met the expected standard in 2023.
The table below shows the percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment.
To see performance tables, visit: